Posole Rojo ndash A Christmas Eve Tradition

#Ndash | Today I want to share with you a delicious soup that our family eats on Christmas Eve, but would be wonderful anytime you want a flavorful soup reminiscent of the spices in a tamale.  It is called …
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9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Dishes
#Christmas | These Mexican dishes are served at Christmas and will add a Mexican touch to any holiday celebration.

Mexican Christmas Dishes
#Christmas | Mexican Christmas Dishes - The meals eaten in Mexico for Christmas Eve vary from region to region, and as mentioned before, every cook adds his/her personal touch to the recipes. Here is a list of some of the traditional recipes you can find here on the blog to celebrate this Christmas...

21 Mexican Christmas Traditions
#Christmas | 21+ Mexican Christmas Traditions - Smart Fun DIY. With Christmas just around the corner, we are all thinking about how to make it memorable and also include

9 Traditional Mexican Christmas Dishes
#Christmas | These Mexican dishes are served at Christmas and will add a Mexican touch to any holiday celebration.


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