US beauty retailer bans single #Beauty
#Beauty | Single-use sampling is central to the beauty buying experience, but they create massive waste. Credo Beauty and other pioneers are phasing out single-use packaging and products. to Continue Reading...... Paul Bettany Shares Rare Photo Grown #Photo | Latest entertainment news, photos, interviews & cheap concert tickets read more... Juicy Couture Just Dropped A New Spring #Spring | Juicy Couture and Forever 21 have teamed up on a special collection of pastel hues on the Y2K fashion brand’s classics. read more... Roasted Cabbage Steaks Will Change Your Veggie Game #CabbageSteaks | Sweet and flavorful cabbage steaks are a tasty side dish or vegetarian entree. read more... Popular food preservative may be toxic to the immune system #ImmuneSystem | A newly published study warns that a preservative found in hundreds of readily available processed foods, including popular snacks, may be toxic to the immune system. The findings were pu...